Who we are

Free Press Unlimited is an international press freedom organisation that collaborates with over 300 local media partners in more than 50 countries. With them, we work on our mission to make independent news and information available to everyone.

Our vision

Free Press Unlimited believes that everyone has the right to independent, reliable and timely information. People need that information to control their living conditions and to make the right decisions.

To make this possible, Free Press Unlimited supports media and journalists worldwide.

Our vision is short and to the point: People deserve to know. All over the world.

Journalist at work in rural Pakistan
Journalist at work in Pakistan. Photo: Mehrab Afridi.

Access to information, independent media and freedom of expression are crucial to citizens and social organisations that want to combat poverty and inequality in their society. By reporting independently, and making public debate possible, independent media can contribute to positive change in their society.

Free Press Unlimited offers worldwide support to journalists and media professionals through its advocacy work, emergency assistance, advice, trainings, capacity building and awareness raising.

Our mission

Our mission is to ensure that independent news and information remains available to everyone, especially people in countries where there is no or limited (press) freedom.

Because people deserve to know.

Our mission stems from Article 19 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights:

“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”

To that end, press freedom and freedom of information are indispensable.

That is why Free Press Unlimited supports local media professionals and journalists, particularly in countries with limited (press) freedom. They are close to their audience and are the best guarantee for a sustainable, professional and diverse media landscape. We enable them to give people access to reliable information that helps them survive, to develop themselves, and with which they can monitor their governments.

Our Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Statement

“In pursuit of our mission, we are committed to promoting equity, diversity and inclusion in all aspects of our work. Free Press Unlimited believes in a world where everyone can be who they are regardless of their background. We are curious, open minded and engaged in creating a better-informed world for everyone.”

Free Press Unlimited's EDI statement is a reflection of its mission and values. It serves as a commitment to creating a more equitable and diverse organisation, and through our work, contributes to a more equitable media landscape in different contexts, thereby advancing our vision for a world where "people deserve to know."


Individuals can face multiple forms of discrimination or oppression at the same time, and these factors intersect to create unique and complex experiences of injustice. This is called intersectionality. It goes beyond looking at one aspect of a person's identity, such as gender, race, ethnicity, class, or disability and considers how these aspects overlap and interact. 

In the media sector, intersectionality plays a crucial role in shaping the narratives, representations, and perspectives that are presented to the audience. It helps to better connect with diverse audiences, creating a public discourse around multiple dimensions of inequality. Therefore, this intersectional approach stands as a cornerstone principle in our commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI). 

Read our Equity, Diversity and Inclusion policy below.


Journalists running for safety in Ukraine. Photo: Anna Dolu Agency
Journalists running for safety in Ukraine. Photo: Anna Dolu Agency.

Our core values

Free Press Unlimited does not accept assignments from financial pressure groups or political groups and follows her own independent strategy. This means that Free Press Unlimited works with independent (media) partners who are able to execute their activities freely and independently and whose aim is to search for the truth and provide information to the public.

Free Press Unlimited aims to inspire local media professionals and organisations to get the best out of their talents and opportunities by sharing knowledge and ideas. We are result-oriented, we make a difference and reach a large audience.

Free Press Unlimited searches for smart, creative solutions for the benefit of free access to information, even if there are obstacles or barriers.

Free Press Unlimited is personally involved and persistent in matters concerning the local citizens and (media) organisations. Our approach is a long term involvement with a focus on supporting individuals and media organisations in their development so they can become autonomous.

Tailored approach
The starting point for Free Press Unlimited is the local situation and culture. We are looking for partnership and participation and we take into account the local capacity and technological development.


Journalists covering protest: by Tact hill
Journalists covering protest: photo credit by Shutterstock/Tact Hill.


Our organisation

Ruth Kronenburg, Executive Director Free Press Unlimited. Photo: Bodine Koopmans.
Ruth Kronenburg, Executive Director Free Press Unlimited. Photo: Bodine Koopmans.

Ruth Kronenburg is the Executive Director of Free Press Unlimited, managing a team of more than 70 dedicated professionals. Free Press Unlimited is an international press freedom organisation working on both advocacy for the improvement of press freedom worldwide as well as a service organisation to support over 300 media partners in 55 countries. 

Prior to becoming Free Press Unlimited’s Executive Director in 2022, Kronenburg held the position of Director of Operations for over 10 years. Now, Kronenburg leads the organisation’s global strategy and activities.

Kronenburg’s main goal is to ensure that Free Press Unlimited maintains the organisation's strong reputation on press freedom and safety of journalists. In the coming years, she will continue the successful course of the organisation, while also leading the innovation needed in for example the field of AI and decolonisation.

In addition to her work at Free Press Unlimited, Kronenburg also serves on a number of boards, committees and juries:

  • The ‘Tegel’: most prestigious award for journalism in the Netherlands
    Jury member from 2023-2025, after Free Press Unlimited received a special ‘Tegel’ for its years of work for press freedom in 2022.

  • Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD)
    Treasurer, member of Executive Steering Committee: Oct 2021 – Present, Brussels Region, Belgium

  • TNI (Transnational Institute)
    Board member (treasurer): Oct 2018 – Present, Amsterdam Area, Netherlands

Ruth Kronenburg is supported by a Management Team consisting of four members.

More about the Management Team

Supervisory board 

Free Press Unlimited has a Supervisory Board. The tasks and responsibilities of the Supervisory Board are described in the Articles of Association. The Chairman and members of the Supervisory Board perform their duties without remuneration.

Members of the Supervisory Board

International Advisory Council

In 2023 Free Press Unlimited set up an International Advisory Council. The Council is comprised of independent thinkers and press freedom practitioners from around the world and its explicit task is to provide external perspectives on the state of press freedom and the challenges that independent journalists face in a constantly changing context, and offer recommendations. The members perform their duties without remuneration.

Members of the International Advisory Council

Internal remuneration Policy 


In determining the board remuneration, the Directive on Remuneration Scheme Directors of Charities of the VFI and the Wijffels Code were followed. The remuneration is subsequently fixed in accordance with the salary scales in the Legal Regulations of Free Press Unlimited. These are revised annually and made known to stakeholders and interested parties. The level of the Board remuneration is mentioned each year in the Annual Report. Free Press Unlimited places importance on mentioning that the Board and management remuneration (including members of the Management Team) is considerably lower than the maximum allowable remuneration in compliance with the Wijffels Code.


Free Press Unlimited has its own Legal Regulations where terms and conditions of employment for staff (including Board and management) are set out. Revisions take place in consultation with the Personnel Representatives. Grading takes place based on set function descriptions and corresponding salary scales (maximum 10). Remuneration takes place in accordance with the Focus system. The Focus system is described in detail in the Legal Regulations.

Legal Entities and Partnerships Identification Number (RSIN): 850683476
Commercial Register No.: 52957535

Organisational structure

Organisational Structure


In July 2023 Free Press Unlimited formed a strategic alliance with Reporters without Borders aimed at advancing quality journalism and protecting press freedom. While maintaining their individual organisational identities, Free Press Unlimited and Reporters without Borders seek to align their activities and objectives, including strengthening journalism's freedom, promoting sustainable media markets, and cultivating a healthy public space for journalism to thrive. 

Additional documents 


As Free Press Unlimited we are a member of:


How we work

Free Press Unlimited believes that everyone has the right to reliable information. Information that enables you as a person to take your life into your own hands. It is very important that this information sheds light on all facets so that you can make a well-considered decision. We call this independent information.

Access to information, independent media and press freedom are crucial to citizens and social organisations that want to combat poverty and inequality in their society. On the other hand, the media need the citizens to know what is going on. By reporting independently, and making public debate possible, the media can contribute to positive change in their society.

Photo journalist at work in Iraq
Photo journalist at work in Iraq. Photo: Jodi Hilton

Our goals

Free Press Unlimited supports journalists and media professionals with emergency support, advice, training and capacity building in more than 50 countries. For this we made a Theory of Change in which we created a long term goal and three intermediate goals.

Our long term goal: a diverse, professional information landscape consisting of independent media and journalists that drive (social) change in their society.

Firmly focused on this main goal, we have carefully thought about the best ways to achieve this. We believe that the following 'intermediate goals' are crucial to ensuring local media can fulfill their important social role. These are:

  1. An environment that allows journalists to do their work safely and that promotes press freedom.
    To achieve this, we are committed to achieve and promote good legislation and end impunity that perpetuates crimes against journalists. In the countries in which we work, professional media representatives play a key role. That is why Free Press Unlimited invests in these groups. Professional media representatives keep track of how often and where press freedom is compromised and stand up against specific cases of press freedom violation. Our Policy & Advocacy team helps them to raise these matters nationally.
  2. Media and journalists serve the interests of the population, are the voice of citizens and act as their watchdog.
    Media must reflect society. That is why we help them increase the diversity in their own organisations and in their publications, particularly when it comes to women and minorities. We also support social organisations that raise people’s media-awareness and help them sift through the overwhelming amount of mostly digital information. Furthermore, we also support independent media who bring corruption and abuse of power to light and so serve as a watchdog. Thanks to research and the revelations of journalists, citizens hold their own governments and other power holders accountable. In this way, the media and citizens increase the democratic content of their society together.
  3. Journalists and media are professional, effective and confident of their continued existence.
    Free Press Unlimited insists on the importance of professionalism for media and journalists. They must comply with internationally recognised standards and ethical codes, to earn and keep the trust of their audience. Knowledge of modern technology is also essential in a world where mobile phones and social media play a major role. Journalists need to know how they can work safely (digitally), so they can properly fulfill their watchdog role. Free Press Unlimited supports local media and journalists worldwide to work professionally and (therefore) safely. And to make them financially independent, so that their continued existence – and therefore a diverse media landscape – is also guaranteed in the long term.

Theory of Change
Free Press Unlimited's Theory of Change

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