Safety of journalists

The ever-increasing violence and impunity for crimes against journalists worldwide have led to safety becoming one of our main thematic programmes, with its own budget and dedicated team. This team has taken on several crises in the past years. Examples are the Taliban take over in Afghanistan, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the coup in Myanmar, and the continuously re-emerging conflict in Sudan. Most recently our emergency team is doing the best they can to help journalists still reporting from Gaza while facing the biggest challenges we have seen within our work in terms of crisis response.

At Free Press Unlimited we consider safety an all-embracing concept that includes the physical, psycho-social, digital and the legal domains equally. We believe that there are no one-size-fits-all solutions, as the safety challenges vary per context, and therefore the solutions differ as well. Our approach is based on three pillars: Prevention, Protection and Prosecution. At the moment we are working on a fourth pillar: Preparedness.


Safety training in El Salvador
Safety training in El Salvador. Photo: E. Romero.


In preventing and decreasing attacks on journalists, law enforcement plays a big role. Having good legislation in place is a good first step towards protecting press freedom. To accomplish this, advocacy is a very important tool. We actively encourage those responsible to put press freedom higher on the political agenda and to take concrete action.

Free Press Unlimited is part of several networks dedicated to the safety of journalists – both at grassroots and international level – allowing us to provide preventive support to journalists worldwide, swiftly and in a coordinated manner. We have provided inputs to numerous resolutions and declarations passed by international collaborations regarding the safety of media professionals, like the review of the UNESCO Plan of Action for the Safety of Journalists. Besides the judicial part, we also work on prevention by making journalists more resilient for (online) attacks.

For example, we provide free courses about digital safety to journalists worldwide through our online learning platform Totem. Besides this we provide journalists with safety advice, with digital and physical attributes for protection like VPN codes for safe connections or ballistic vests, and when a journalist is in grave danger of being attacked or arrested, we help journalists to relocate to a safer place.

Psycho-social support

Free Press Unlimited finds psych-social support (PSS) vital in journalism, as a lot of the time media workers face challenging situations, covering traumatic content, and working long hours under precarious conditions, often leading to high stress, depression, and burnout. Over the past years, we have consistently incorporated PSS into our holistic support programmes. Through our emergency programme, Reporters Respond, we provide direct grants and guidance to journalists in need of immediate care. This way we can support them in coping and lowering the chances of burn out and leaving the profession. In 2023, we provided 167 journalists with psycho-social support.

Furthermore, we see mental health workshops and safe-space peer networks as essential for journalists in general, especially those active in high-stress areas. They provide a much-needed space for rest, reflection, and confidential discussions around mental health. That is why we for example supported the set up of a recovery residence in Nairobi, Kenya for Sudanese journalists. And when the earthquake struck Turkey and Syria in early 2023, we collaborated with the Antares Foundation (a global leader in staff care and psycho-social support) to provide direct assistance to a group of Syrian journalists who experienced immense stress while covering the disaster. This support aimed to help them manage the severe stress, serving as a preventative measure against PTSD and burnout.

We also have a special focus on support catered towards women especially. We set up peer support groups for women journalists in Kenya and Bosnia Herzegovina.


Of course the ideal is to prevent attacks on journalists. Unfortunately, that is not the reality. Every year we assist hundreds of journalists and media organisations in distress through Reporters Respond with direct financial assistance, legal support, and safety advice, enabling them to resume their work as quickly as possible when faced with an emergency or crisis situation. In 2023, we provided support to over 1800 media workers worldwide who were confronted with for example (online) harassment, intimidation, legal proceedings, or violence because of their work.

Increasingly, Free Press Unlimited provides emergency assistance to journalists and media when they are forced into exile, for example by supporting temporary relocation or protecting them against threats in their country of exile. The goal is to enable them to continue providing reliable and verified information about what is happening within the largely closed borders of their countries safely.

Demonstration for press freedom in Tunisia
Demonstration for press freedom in Tunisia. Photo credit: Hasan Mrad.



We see that the judiciary plays an essential role in achieving safety and protection for journalists. Impunity for crimes against journalists is a huge problem. Worldwide, when a journalist is murdered for doing their job, in eight out of ten cases the killer goes free. With A Safer World For The Truth we fight against this impunity. In this project cold cases of murdered journalists are re-opened and investigated. Through these investigations, new facts and information around the killings are revealed, paving the way for pursuing justice.

International partnerships

We are not working on this alone. Together with international partners we verify and discuss cases, coordinate joint efforts and aim to find sustainable solutions where possible.

Journalists in Distress Network

The Journalists in Distress (JiD) Network is an informal network involving 29 international organisations providing assistance to journalists. Free Press Unlimited is currently one of the co-coordinators of the network.

Article 19 | Canadian Journalists for Freedom of Expression (CJFE)| Committee to Protect Journalists | Defend Defenders (EHAHRDP) | English PEN | Euro-Mediterranean Foundation of Support to Human Rights Defenders | European Centre for Press and Media Freedom | Freedom House | Front Line Defenders | ICORN International Cities of Refuge | | International Media Support | Internews | International Women's Media Foundation | IREX Journalist Safety Network | Journalists helping journalists | Marie Colvin Journalists Network | Media Defence | Pen International | Pen America | Rory Peck Trust | Reporters Without Borders | SKeyes Center for Media and Cultural Freedom

Media Freedom Rapid Response

The Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) consortium tracks, monitors and reacts to violations of press and media freedom in EU Member States and Candidate Countries. This project provides legal and practical support, public advocacy and information to protect journalists and media workers. The project commenced in 2020 and is co-funded by the European Commission.

The consortium consists of: European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF)  | ARTICLE19 Europe | European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) | Free Press Unlimited (FPU) | International Press Institute (IPI) | CCI/Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa (OBCT).

Read more about the MFRR here  

Legal Network for Journalists at Risk (LNJAR)

The Legal Network for Journalists at Risk provides journalists and independent media outlets around the world with critical legal support. Read more about the LNJAR here.

Building Responses Together (BRT) Network

Building Responses Together is an international network of rapid response mechanisms, providing assistance to human rights defenders, including journalists. Read more about the BRT Network here.


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